Friday, December 12, 2014

and, this.
So this is what is cool right now. #puggleoverlord


Here's what I know: when you type my name, preceded with the word "chef" you get a shit-ton (yes, that's a fucking technical term, I am at wit's end here) of hits. when you hit the name of my replacement, who has ONE hot restaurant under her belt on her resume (and then a bunch of whatever PDX places AS IF ANYONE CARES) but nothing else. No community involvement (oh, look, not only did I work in some awesome restaurants in Fresno, but I worked with the farmers, participated in events, etc, etc, etc) nothing but gloss. But, oddly, I got demoted for not being creative enough, not firing someone, and near as I can tell: for not being a big enough synchophant. Whatever. I am at the end of my tether with this restaurant, and like ALL the others, it is at the 7 month mark. I have tried all that I know, and now spend my days being treated as if the decade I've spent in kitchens; not to mention the decade+ I've spent IN OTHER REAL LIFE JOBS AND LIFE EXPERIENCES NEVER EXISTED. I have literally been told how to tell if a cake is done by using a metal cake tester. I have watched a coworker (who graduated pastry school, a feat I did not accomplish) be told that a syrup "needs to boil to reduce" (it was citrus, generally, people who respect citrus let it go low and slow to avoid a horrible metallic finish) I have been treated AS IF I haven't had the honor to work with some of California's finest chefs (including serving fucking Alice Waters, etc) I am grinding my teeth currently, because I am mature enough to recognize what is going on: this is a high school-esque social strata thing - that is, I don't know enough "name" people here. The reality is that I have worked with some of the best people, here and in other, real life cities. Even when I didn't know I was into food, I was learning (points won starving on tour in Europe). But whatever. I will not cave. I will not quit. I will demand they let me go, if they thing I don't have the ability. I grant them: I don't want to work 12-hour days, I have a puppy I love and am sick of games. I like to learn, but refuse to be patronized. So we'll see what happens next. Will they have the nerve to actually fire me, after they've asked me to stay after bringing in a new pastry chef. in the words of the immortal Schmidt: "I can do this ALL DAY" The reality is: this isn't my first, second, or even third job. This is my second career, eighth job, fourth lead position, Bill Wallby would sing:" B_L_O_W_M_E" ("beeeee/elllllllllll/ohhhhhhhh/dubbbbleyooooooooooo/emmmmmmmmm/eeeeeeee :blowme!") (yes edited)