Friday, June 15, 2012

and Thursdays are....

Weird - work Sunday through Tuesdays, off Weds, and then back for Thursday, and then off for Friday Saturday, which is, to be fair; a pretty awesome schedule. What would be even better, is if my days back from being gone didn't follow HWSBF's days in pantry, because, he sucks. He's lazy, and apparently a little dim. Also, shades of Fernando in just the overall disaster the station is left in. When I follow Anita, on Sundays, everything is like I leave it, stocked, ready to go, a coherent list of prep. After Him, it's horrendous. But, I have high expectations of those I work with, so GMB had to really, really push me to get me to make a list of the bullshit.
Because, I'm not the first to notice it. Anita made a point of telling me she has the same issues with him.
Whatever. The flip side is that my food is pure awesome, and when I have my station ready, there is nothing I cannot do. Though I was running the pizza oven at 600 degrees tonight, so I toasted a couple of them while doing desserts. Kind of got a little out of control tonight though, trying to tie up all the loose ends. And some late tables made me a bit cranky towards the end, so I didn't hang out tonight & chat with BarMat - I was just a bit too whipped, to be honest. He didn't offer a 2nd beer, and I didn't ask. Home to sleep, cause I have a boatload of stuff to do tomorrow.
Timing is still being worked out at work though. What I really appreciate, is that GMB makes a point to say "Good work" before he leaves at night, at least to me, pretty much every shift - that little shit matters. Appreciation matters. I knocked out a shitload of prep, both baking and savory today - and all my plates tonight (including some special stuff for the food tour group) looked stellar, and tasted fantastic, cheesecake is selling like crazy - 3 to go orders!. I asked if I could come in early on Sundays to do more dessert prep, and Garrett said he'd work on getting me a key. And then, and the end of service he sidles up to me and says "So; I have foie scraps: pate, or sauce?" And I, being the one who plates antipasti, and likes to have cool toys says:"Pate" then I hedge "But, I do have a that book about foie, and it has a recipe for foie oreos that I've always wanted to try" and he gets nose-to-nose with me and says "Ahhh, s'mores! Your graham crackers, a foie fluff....and..." I suggest a fruit jam & chocolate shavings...and he's like "YES. You are in again, when? Tuesday? Let's do that then, I'll put the foie in the freezer tonight."
Yeah, that's the ticket. That's what I want to do: cool stuff. This shit is going to be awesome, and once I live downtown...well, it will be perfect, so tired of driving home already. I am so stoked right now, feeling really motivated, creative and just present. So completely different from being in SF. Similar to being in good restos in Fresno, but without that CG-based angst, so...yeah, really amazing emotions flowing in this realm. Can't wait to get my gear out of storage and really hit the gas pedal on all of this. So many options. He has not said no to any ideas I've proffered so far (other than the bittersweet chocolate espresso cake, but i suspect i can bump his weak torte eventually, I'll make one, feed it to everyone, and that will be that).
Also, he asked me to dog/house-sit at the end of the month for he and his wife. Awesome! 2 dogs, house in Greenwood, 3 days. Sweet! Looking forward to it. I dig house sitting. A yard with a bbq, a deck, and two dogs?? Yay!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

knowing is half the battle

yes, yes, yes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

just another wedensday.

 Started the day off watching Germany beat Holland in the 2nd game of the first round of the Euros. Even less fun watching the Orange lose this time to the Germans, though, Podolski, our newest acquisition is having a great tournament - here's hoping he stays in form for club play. I'm really stoked to find a pub to watch if my schedule stays the same - looking to make new Gunner pals, definitely!
A bit of apartment hunting, visit to the storage space to retrieve some more clothes, a kitchen timer and some other miscellaneous stuff, dinner at Hana, finally. It was, as Todd said "the same as ever" casual, quality, and affordable. Did a little stroll down Broadway, noting all the changes....still processing it all - had a side trip through Lake City, and was kind of astounded to find a Mini dealership there, among all the other new stuff, and also, the old venerable Italian place is gone, though Ming's is still alive and...well, still alive. Even just driving around, there is something so comforting about all the green, the trees, the residential neighborhoods with no sidewalks...yeah, I'm weird. Anyway, there seem to be a lot of options, living wise, so now it's just a matter of piling up first, last and deposit.

interactions with humans...

Tonight, after watching GMB almost cough up a lung on the line (I gave him my entire stash of Ricola cough drops, cause i know how hideous that bug is...) and finishing a pretty sedate night (got a lot of shit done, actually, which was cool. Best part:MB trying my coffee ice cream and going "Holy shit, that's amazing! Is that my recipe?" and, i of course had to tell him it was mine. RIGHT? Yeah. Also had pizzas dialed in like crazy tonight, which was awesome as well. I was finishing my shift beer when BarMatt (The Other Matt) engaged me in conversation, and plied me with I hung out. THIS is why it's good to work in a live restaurant. People to talk to. We had a spirited debate about the future of humankind, global policy, apartheid (!) and my political activism vs. his perceived activism. Interesting, and, ultimately we agreed on many things. Interesting cat, and, he pegged me at 40. Weird. I guess it's just that youthful exuberance? Yeah, something like that. Good dude though. I really love where I work. And they seem to dig me, so, you know, awesome. It's also interesting GMB and I have a really similar upbringing - same kid's shows, same cereals, same weird offhanded remarks, plus a really good conversation about food, every time. It's a shame he can't keep his hands off his phone on the line. CG would fucking DESTROY him. But, whatever. It's good fun, and tonight, my pizzas all ruled. So good. Did a roasted potato, blue cheese, other cheese, smoked proscuito, and shallot pie, and it sold like crazy and I even made GMB one and he loved it! Validation again! (I'm so simple, but it's like any craft, I guess) also, I did a hibiscus/grapefruit sorbet, but didn't run it tonight...maybe Thursday...yeah.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

… Danny, what the hell?

(from animalstalkinginallcaps)

monday is the new friday...

got our asses kicked tonight at work, totally crazy busy, and just me and TMTM on the line, but we made it through, and celebrated with a delightful mojito and then beers. Lots of really constructive conversation, so it's feeling find place to live in city, or on seriously direct busline. Ideally, the first. That adventure starts at the beginning of next month. Yay.
Missing Scraps in weird, jagged pangs today. Dunno where it comes from sometimes, but still wrecks me....

Monday, June 11, 2012

Nephewpalooza and the aftermath...

Yeah, I earned my frigging Cool Aunt Wings this weekend. Unless you are Nephew #1 (let's go with N1, and this is totally based on birth order, not preference, which will become clear shortly) who is probably a bit pissed at me. However, to be honest: he was a jerk. And, since he's only 11.75, I'm gonna do all in my power to make sure he doesn't arrive at seventh grade a complete prick. know, suck it up, kiddo.
Yeah. The 4 year old and I had a delightful day, until he renigged on his promise to clean the toys up off the floor in his room for and additional 5 minutes of computer time (I could have told him that was a bad deal, but, hell, he's 4, he has no conception of minutes at this point...gotta enjoy it before he starts bargaining in half-hour blocks) and we had to have a little "stop hyperventilating about having to do what you said you'd do. I'm not mad. But you made a deal, and now you are breaking it" (his dad uses the term "deal" so I went with it. Fucking hippies. Between that and the older brother who is paying the price for "We don't say "no" to him, because it hurts his feelings" I am on fire right now as all the chickens come home to roost at once.
Ultimately Nephew #3 (again, birth order, not preference) calmed down and told me he needed help. I said, that was perfectly ok, he just needed to TELL ME that, and not scream like an injured badger. So, he asked for help, and we cleaned his room, and no tears were shed. And I got to tell him it was ok to ask for help, that I wasn't mad at him, which, for those of us going through YEARS of THERAPY; is helpful to hear WHEN YOU ARE 3. It's a real hassle when you are 43.
Ah, yeah. So there's that. Otherwise, it was awesome, we made banana bread, played robot wars, sword fight, and built legos. We watched classic Disney (because I will not abide by the ne pap Disney nonsense. Give me Pluto chasing Chip 'n Dale, or give me nothing!), and ultimately, the Germany vs. Portugal game of the first round of the Euros, in which of course N3 took Portugal as his team (I know, that Ronaldo, he's a doll), but ultimately he got bored, and his parents came home, and I showered and headed to Round #2: the Moto Boys.
Argh. I did this thing where I said I'd sit in exchange for a haircut from their mom, who used to cut my hair. I apparently forgot how half assed she is about it, not much change in style. Anyway. N1 was monoploizing the conversation, mostly about his most current (and most damaging) injury to his arm. He cut nerves this time, if he jacks up recovery, he could lose the use of half his right hand. Brilliant. I won't even go into how stupid the antics were that led to this, but will say he wasn't racing. Ultimately though, the night started well, we trolled cable looking for a movie to watch, the boys bickered a bit, I made pizza and salad from scratch (they don't get actual cooking much). We played poker (5 card draw, blackjack, and something they referred to as "indian poker") ultimately, N1 won more than N2 and I, but whatever, it's just a game, and we all had a good time. The computer beckoned, ultimately, and N2 went up to play, and N1 with his damaged arm, can't really play full speed, so he was just in there, dinking around. When I went up, he was perusing his father's yearbooks....which was odd, and...I'll detail offline. But suffice to say: probably not awesome to let your 11 year old son read your yearbook. Generally. But especially if you had a paranoid, clingy girlfriend.
Anyway, somehow, ultimately a random comment about facebook got N1 fired up and he started using his i-Touch to take crap photos of me and calling me names, and saying he would post them on facebook. So I shut the night down (we were about an hour from designated bedtime anyway) and took N2 downstairs, leaving N1 to sit in his finely appointed room (i-touch/internet/dvd player) alone. Me and N2, who immediately crowed "I've been waiting for this all night, when N1 gets in trouble" (!) and I popped some corn, watched some horrible show called i-Carley, and then used a kit he had to make bubble gum (watermelon mint, for those wondering.....) and then I put him to bed as well.
It was a long night, but I ended it with a delightful cocktail and watching my beloved Arsenal on the big (seriously big, like 72" of big) screen, as FSC replayed a champs league game from early in the season at midnight.
That's right, my brother and his wife, who were suppposed to be home "around 10" rolled in at 1a.m..
He was shocked I was still awake; and I was all: do you know what I do for a living? At all?
But I didn't say that, cause what's the point.
Anyway, and then today, show up at work at 2pm, ready to do a shitload of prep, especially desserts, and no one is at the restaurant. No one shows up until 3:30.
So angry. But it was mitigated by TMTM pulling me from pantry prep and just having me do desserts, and then when my pals Debra and Lisa came in (and they brought another friend, woot!) I sent out apps, a pizza, they bought entrees, and I sent a dessert sampler. Got to visit the table a couple of times and it was awesome. So good to have people in, I have missed that so much. The rest of the night was a mess, having the Guy Who Should Be Fired still there is annoying, but, you know, whatever. I've been through this before, so I can certainly do it again. The ladies loved their dinner, and I had a decent night. Tomorrow will be way better. TMTM is awesome, and I always look forward to working with him. I got to meet his wife last week, and she's rad, so it's nice to have the circle expand. I dunno. Just take each day as it comes, really...but so happy to like my job again - though the lack of space fucking pisses me off from a dessert perspective, but y'now, whatever, I'll adapt, it just takes time to figure out how to make the space work.
yeah. and I got to listen to Riz on the way home. Dammit, I love this town. Gun-toting freaks be damned.