Monday, November 04, 2013

though, i'd be lying if i said this wasn't on my mind...

so.good. always. stray or not, i
Watching old videos and stuff of older punk rock bands (that is, bands that were playing when we were) makes me realize this horrible thing: we didn't suck as much as I thought we did.
How much of a difference would it have made if I had believed as much in my band then as I do now in my bread pudding, my cheesecake, my fucking pizza, mustard, pickles, pate or whatever it is I FEED PEOPLE?
Yeah, that fucking hurts. I'm watching this again, through older eyes (again) and realizing that not only was I not as ugly as I thought I was, but....well, I didn't suck as much as I thought I did. I let those horrible, horrible scenester Rrrriot Grrls make me feel small. I let them do that. I didn't suck, and really, there was not a girl in a band like I was, when I was. So, I did what I could. I looked like I felt. I did what I did. Still doing that today. Just wish I'd figured this all out sooner. Kudos for kids who figure shit out early and don't addle their brains with questionable substances (still waiting for the nephews to ask those questions).
Go team.

chuck says