Thursday, February 14, 2013

In the moment

Not looking forward to this day at all. Battling to keep thoughts from last year at bay. Spent last two days with some of my favorite guys, which is great, they take good care of me.
Last year the dessert of the day was a gooey, over-the-top cupcake, which was entirely appropriate for my state of mind.
This year, dessert is again reflective of my personal situation, and thus, the plate is this:
A strawberry-champagne terrine, with three truffles: dk chocolate-earl-grey, dk chocolate-coffee-cinnamon-walnut, and white chocolate-pistachio-cardamom. With a red wine reduction and fresh citrus garnish. Sweet, but not overly so, varied flavors and scents, and hopefully a pretty plate to have at the end of what is hopefully going to be a rich, filling affair.
Have at it, cherubs.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Better living through chemicals.

Yep, back on the meds, cause it's the right thing, obviously i spin out of control without them. Meanwhile this will be a horrible valentines day, after last year's hot rush of...whatever that was with smrge, but now, post-Stray, and in a weird vortex with SG, i dunno what will happen next (not that any of us do) but it looks to be a full week: wine tasting with Newbusguy and Fair, and then gonna hang with Tff's brother in Weds, so....yeah. Got a champs and strawberry terrine to rock with choc truffles on V-Day, pics to follow.