Friday, June 13, 2003

swear to kevseconds that i am not going to tell anyone when i'm happy - it just seems to send everything into the toilet. last night was brutal, and i'm bored with this whole little drama that's going on inside my house. one minute alls well, the next minute, i'm sharing the couch with a completely anti-social miscreant. whatever. not much more to say on that front.
So, then, the Five:
1. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
Write that damn book.

2. When someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest?
Pretty much.

3. Have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? What happened?
Ah, well, we didn't speak for a while, but since i suspected it all along, and i liked her ultimately more than i loved him, we are still best friends. in fact, i think it made shit stronger, and we share a deeper understanding of what makes us tick. i think. Though, i guess it also compounded my feeling that you can't trust anyone. even your best friend. everyone makes mistakes. everyone.
4. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?
Heidi's mountain in Switzerland, taking care of the goats. Shagging Peter. Eating cheese and bread, with a dog at my heel.

5. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?
This question KILLS me every time. I'd like to be able to play bass silly.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

it's hard to say where to go next with this. lately when i watch my dog - i still think she's the custest dog ever, but i don't have the desire to ramble on like i used to. our new neighborhood, not so new now, is ok, but the walks are generally uneventful. i finally got all the tools to go on my postering run, so i'm hoping to do that tomorrow, or maybe saturday morning.

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Quickly on these to kill time:

1. "The Munsters" or "The Addams Family"?
2. "The Sopranos" or the "Godfather" movies?
Ooh. Sopranos at least for the moment.

3. "The Jetsons" or "Lost in Space"?
JETSONS. Frigging hate, hate, hate and do not understand the appeal of that stupid robot and Mr. Smith.

4. "Superman" or "Batman" (either the TV shows or the movies)?
Batman. Totally, all the way.

5. "Sex & The City" or "Friends"?
Friends. But if i had cable i'd probably say Sex.

6. "The Wizard of Oz" or the "Harry Potter" movies?
Jeezus, neither of those. Puke.

7. "The Simpsons" or "King of the Hill"?
Ouch. Simpsons, by a nose. That show still gets me to laugh out loud every episode. But Bobby Hill and Dale Gribble are works of pure anarchic creativity.

8. "Grease" or "Saturday Night Fever"?
Gosh. SNF, i think. though i do love that jeff conaway as keneckie.

9. Old prime-time soaps: "Dallas" or "Dynasty"?
neither. again, pukey.

10. Not very thought-provoking this you prefer TV shows or movies?
Movies especially in this era of "reality" bullshit.
Though Jackass was pretty damn funny.

what to say? there's been a wave of goodwill at my house lately, and i'm digging it, but trying not to get too used to it, y'know? yeah. i still see a crow fly by and think about when i'll see one in a rosebush and know he's gone. what? jeez.
so, as i'm the last person on the planet to read Eggers' staggering work of genius - i'll just say that it's okay, and i'm enjoying reading it, but the overabundance of irony is tedious. i'm sure it played better in '99. it's funny, as he talks about '93 and what was happening - i mean that's my generation, the X'ers. Seriously, me. Only on the outside, because I was caught in the lowest=budget part of that upheaval. The trenches, if you will. So much so, I'm actually pretty resentful (though not in a Briggsonian way) that I missed out on some of the easy achievment that a lot of my compratriots enjoyed.
But I suppose that's what therapy is for.
How to get over being a punk rock young adult in the late 80's early 90's. I mean sometimes I feel like there should be a seperate section of post-traumatic-stress syndrome for those of us who were there, but didn't end up working for Adobe, MTV, or Spin magazine, y'know?