Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

exhale slowly

I have awesome friends - which really doesn't need embellishment, but for posterity (and to help me through the enevitable grey day that will come along) let's review the week, shall we?
Satuday K2 arrive and dine at the resto. Everyone is in the house, including the stray and it's a great night, topped off by K2, me and Dewie grabbing drinks after at the Nitelight. Very entertaining evening with Ken and Dewey. Plus Ken drank coffee and drove. Pure awesome. the stray bailed and then the next day, whined a bit about not sticking around. Heh. Sunday I worked, Ka went north to visit her nephew, Ke stayed in town with my house keys and roamed the city, caught a movie. I went out after with Dewie and   the stray and XH and it was fun - new Karaoke place and XH and I commiserated about food and played pool. Evening ended a little melodramatically when fangirls of Dewie and the stray  rendition of Public Enemy swooped in, and I gave Dewie a ride home.
Anyway. Monday I worked again with D & the stray and...wait, I seem to have forgotten how that rolled, actually I think I have sunday confused with Monday. At any rate, Tuesday I finally had off, and K2 and I took in the Underground tour which I hadn't done since my family first moved here, then we did lunch at Delicatus (my neighborhood joint is so cool!) and then went to the top of the Smith Tower.
I love that building. I have been so delighted with gazing at it from my window, and it just epitomizes Seattle in so many ways for me, and now, so many more. Goddamn.I can't believe I waited so long to go up. Amazing views, and the woman who works at the top is a lovely human being. I want to bring her lunch! Just really a heartwarming experience. Then we headed north to see Mom, and that of course rolled into Nephews 1 & 2 who had just gotten home from school. #2 even brought up the remote control rat I bought him, so K2 could see it, and he presented the 36 page book he wrote that features first person narrative by a dog. He's frigging 7. I'm so proud! Brother #1 also made an appearance and we all hung around and watched the boys play football and B1 throw for #1 as he teased him. My older brother and I become better friends each and everytime we spend time together. At least some of the progress I was making with my father so long ago seems to be flowing with him. Yay.
Other brother was not free to hang out with, hurt his back, so we didn't visit he & #3.
Headed back to the City after making a quick stop for groceries. Came back to flat,  had great soup, beer and chat.
Wednsday was the big one: me, K2, Charles, and the stray  headed out to the 'burbs to scoop him up, headed to Woodinville for whiskey tasting at a distillery - while on the freeway halfway to destination, I notice my gas gauge has dropped completely and no light is on. We pull off at next exit for gas, open hood to check oil and find broken belt. Alternator. Luckily (!!) they call for the part and can fix it within the half hour, so in the interim, we all bond, Ke buys lotto tickets for us all to scratch, Charles cleans windows and fills air in tires while mechanic fixes belt.
Back on the road with yet another wacky story, we arrive at destination. Drink whiskey, and vodka. Smile a lot. the stray  clearly delighted and dazzled, Charles is stoked as well, and K2 are, as always lovely. They make some purchases for their Fresno contingent. Ka is designated driver and suggests winery tour and we all agree. Off to Chatau St Michelle (!!) and we do a tasting and then a tour with a tasting. The Stray and Charles are both virgins to wine tours and so it was especially fun. Really beautiful day for it, as well.
Then home, via the usual hellish traffic, and off to the pet store for a meet & greet with Charles' guy and the Kittens! Ka & Chaz talk renovation stuff, the stray  admires the kittens and catnip, Ken hovers and I just lean and grin like crazy. So happy everyone is getting along.
We all head to the New Orleans to have dinner, then to the Central for beers, where we run into D (Chas' D) and his uncle, bro and cousin, so we grab a table and hang out. Later K2 are spent and head home,  and the stray nd I chill a bit longer with Charles, some emo happens, stray bails and I spend some quality time with D's brother Jared (!) who is as cute as D is not. Funny. later as things wind down, Charles walks me home, and we make plans for an Ikea run Thursday.
Thursday, K2 want to check out the sci-fi display at EMP, so off we go. Good stuff, but it's the installation about the history of the biker jacket and the horror movie stuff that really gets my attention. A jacket adorned with Keith Haring designs (oddly now, can't recall if it was painted or printed, but it was part of the "street fashion meets high fashion" portion of the display) prompted a small emo moment and I sent smrge a photo, because when it comes to Haring, there's no one I know who feels the same about that artist as I do except him, all shit aside, I choose to focus on the best parts of that relationship. Anyway. Was nice to receive a response in the affirmative next day as well. Just can't have negative chi floating around, so that was good. Also sent snap of Deadmau5 swag in giftshop to, the stray as it's one of the many things he has introduced me to, and to see it amongst all the Nirvana and Rolling Stones stuff  kinda made me a little giddy.
After EMP, a stroll by the Chihuly garden, then to the 5 Point for late bite. We rendevous with Charles at petstore and then head off to Ikea adventure. 3 hours later, chair, kitchen station and huge art piece of seattle skyline for my hallway across from bedroom and a lamp in tow, we stop at crazy asian market for beer and noshes (I get some amazing blue crab and pan fry it) and head to flat for beer-fueled assembly party.
Another fantastic day.
Friday found me back to work, and K2 came in late for final visit. Few late drinks, MDR was much nicer, they met crazy Colin, tipped Nat for the night before, met XH when he came to collect the stray, and then we headed out. Got last minute text from the stray wanting us to join them at Shorty's but K2 were done, so I had to say no. Pained me to do so, but, sometimes you gotta.
Their plane left yesterday, but we grabbed a quick bite at the pub across the way and I went to work. Came home early last night (meaning I did not go anywhere else after shift beer) and slept like a rock. So good.
Today, back to work, and we pick up the story where we left - and waiting for SG to swoop back in as well.

Yeah, the saga continues.