Wednesday, July 10, 2002

I was getting all verbose and cute over at the old diary land and realized i dislike that silly interface way to much to be still posting there, however sporadically. i've noticed too that hits have dried up, whereas before it was linking from every google search on the planet. i suppose that's cause i haven't updated in a while, but cest la vie (command what?).
so here I am again. Listening to Oasis, which makes me smile, but not cause I'm a huge fan or anything (though I think WTSMG? is a perfectly listenable cd, so there) but because every boy I know has historically HATED them. Anyway, I like having people scrunch up their faces and make some sort of snide dig at me listening to Oasis. What can I say, I loooove causing angst in the most sideways manners. (causing dischord? go figure - heh!)
So yesterday found me knee-deep in night court drama yet again. the wonders of the judicial system continue to mystify and amaze. luckily, Hizzonor was in a benevolent mood and let me go with just a mild reprimand. Whatta guy. Being back in the Public Safety building was a treat too, though I had originally gone to the Jail as per usual and found the courtroom locked. Bounding over and across a coupla blocks I made it before they got to my name on the docket. Sweaty, but present.
Yeah. Today, as I babysit ridiculously arcane jobs chugging away on the machines, I am continuing my bid to scan all the major photos from the Agent 86 archive. Am doing the last (and best, I think) photos from 2nd tour, and as I listen to Jawbreaker (hey, even I can only take so much British Preening Earpablum) it's just another spin down the punk rock memory highway. Where did I exit? Riiight. Okay then off I go. I'm making several slideshows courtesy of a dutch Sony site, for whatever that's worth.....