Wednesday, January 02, 2013


“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
— Winston Churchill 

"if you're really doing it, you won't have time to talk about it" - Breezy Lovejoy

Re-reading july-september entries has also been illuminating - links are all there on the right for perusal...

also...hell of a time to find out there is Laser Skrillex at the pacific science center....i haven't been to a laser show since, what, laser chili peppers? seems like it would be fun. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

there's always a soundtrack to my life...

you see what i did here? fences and macklemore, and i didn't even know they had done this, i discovered them separately and for different reasons, and boom, there it is. all in one fell swoop. i suspect 2013 is gonna be a bear. serious.

Monday, December 31, 2012

better writing here:

read the newspaper

Just an observation: the New York Times still, from all online appearances, still writes news stories the way I was taught back in journalism class. All the facts are in the first sentence. The rest? Details, in descending order. Haven't read the NYT in years (when I was in college, and then on the East Coast), and have just revisited online, and damn, no one writes like they do. #journalismyo.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

bon voyage

Had to say goodbye to our favorite pasta cook last night and it was brutal. ChefM was devestated, I got choked up and teary (twice, truth be told) and she cried too. It was hard - especially since the next 2 days are going to be, as Indie Bartender J said tonight:"A full on shit storm". Also spent after-hours tasting Newbusguy's homemade mint wines and chocolates he made from scratch - looks like i might get to have him cover shifts so i can get a day off...but yeah, it was a *spirited* conversation, and then just kept Fair company while he waited out his last customers.
Didn't go to crazy loft party in the Square with him, J, and apparently where MDR and other usual suspects would be in attendance. Not doing that again. Gonna keep my home quiet, and my head even more So. Yup....waiting out 2012.