Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Generally, i don't like to talk about dreams, cause i'm one of those types who is pretty damn sure that no one wants to hear about your dreams (unless they were in it, in which case, it's still probably not something that you want to hear) - but since i haven't been keeping a paper journal for almost a frigging year now (sporadically, but nothing like i used to) where i usually scribble little reminders about them, just so that years from now i can go "wow, how funny that that is what was on my mind back then". So in that vein: note to self, 2 dreams of note in this time of working 5-3 with serious marital insomnia.
1) the croat makes an appearance of an amourous nature, but in another one of the almost serial "had no idea i was so into YOU' way. yum.
2) the B makes somes to me in my dream and once again tells me to knock off the bullshit. this time at some sort of parent-teacher thing (though whose parent i was i'm not sure. it may have been the Urchin, but not clear) and he came up to me in the back row, either with a skateboard or on his way to skate, and told me i had no business worrying about this shit.
i think anyway. i woke up feeling distinctly chagrined.
thanks b-bob.