here's how out of the loop i am - michael jackson has not one but three children? and an ex-wife who's not the daughter of Elvis? Where and when did all this happen? I think i sort of remember something about the first kid - what with the messed up name ("Prince Michael" jeezus, how much money do you have to have before you become that insane? and additionally, as i often remark on this subject WHAT IS IT with Diana Ross' influence that would drive a man to MJ's depths..??), but now he's got 2 kids with the same name? How is it that no one has pulled MIkey aside and gone, "Seriously, urhm, Jacko, you need to seek help". I mean, come on! Man is swinging his little baby rerun over a railing and his face is held on with staples and no one says anything? Who says money can't buy everything?
Meanwhile, and this is totally unrelated (and therefore, somehow, appropriate) note, as I'm walking through foggy chinatown (or the ID if yer one of those uber PC types) this morning I was suddenly thinking about Jamaica. Somehow, 7am in Seattle's ID eminded me of evening in Montego Bay, which launched a bunch of memories...sometimes i completely forget i've been to Jamaica.