Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Huh. Ok then. We'll give it a go. I'm giving back in to the need to ramble incessently, and will enjoy the anonymity of no one knowing where to find me right now. I mean sure, the diaryland journal still gets hits everyday, mostly on older entries that dte back to my free-and-easy days of being a retired punk rocker with an easy job and loads of free time on my hands. 'Tis not the case now, things are very different. Married, raising my husband's eight-year-old kid and still trying to dip my toe in the indie-punk rock world that so very much shaped my reality. So, we'll see how this goes. It's easier now, and I like the format and the interface. Watch me jump on the Blogger bandwagon, and if yer curious about what came before, the past is at //
testing again, almost ready for possible lift-off.