Friday, March 07, 2003

Yeah, so the first practice was a little wake-up, i hate practicing like nothing else. And i have this weird, ingrained aversion to learning covers. Great, eh? Yeah, that'll help, now that i've agreed to do this cover-band thing. Ah well. Last night, J cancelled practice, and while i could have gonedown to the space and played with D, I bailed and enjoyed a quiet (ooh, big switch) night at home.
Right. Which brings us to the Five:
1. What was the last song you heard?
Sadly, it was Joan Jett, "victim of circumstance" the song we were practicing. I played a bit of Jawbreaker this morning on guitar (Ashtray Monument) but that doesn't count...

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
In the theater? LOTR-TTT, and uhm, hell - Spiderman, or Men In Black 2. We don't go see movies much. At home, we rented the new Kevin Smith dvd - it's a compilations of the presentations he's given on college campuses recently. Funny, funny guy, and I have to admit to having a small crush on Silent Bob/Kev. I like his style. Heh. Uh, we also rented "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" - frigging Jack, man. also, Road to Perdition, which was certainly one of Hank's better performances, though he slipped into nice guy mode a couple of times.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Ooh. Bus pass. Smokes for SMRHE, and food for dinner. Yeah, living on the edge.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
1. band practice of some form
2. Home Depot run for plumbing supplies/wheels for amp
3. Groceries/toilet paper
4. Call mom.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Real conversations, not email/work crap:
SMRHE, Karen, Rory, Julie, Debra.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Tonight will be the first official practice of Jett_house. I'm already feeling like i want to bail - but sort of like forcing myself to go to a show alone just to make sure that i was right and that it's going to suck, i feel like i have to at least give it a shot. so i'll go. but my heart's not really in it. i feel like i like my evenings the way they are, and i don't know if i want to pursue something, especially music-wise that doesn't include SMRHE. Yeah. That's a big part of it - because i know i won't see much of him if i do this. but maybe that's a good thing. maybe we see too much of each other? something like that. we'll see how it goes tonight. it was weird going by M's the other evening - some things never change, and he, unfortunately is one of them. in small doses though, it's ok. i guess. yeowch.