Yeah, it's been a rough couple of weeks. Not settling in as well as I would like in the new gig. Sometimes, my ability to do it all actually can work against me - I've been wedged into less baking and more prep, and then this last week and a half, a station I just....hate. With all my heart and soul - I hate deep fryers. I mean, the good news is (I think) that I don't have to clean them. The bad news is, I have to fry stuff. And work brunch service. Making fried chicken, french fries, and, ostensibly, doughnuts.
Argh. This is what happens when you take a stand on something. About 6 years ago (post-Lantana) I made a promise to myself I would not do this. But, desperate for a paycheck and listening to the cooing sounds of a very sweet chef, I went ahead and let this new place slot me in where they need me most.
The problem remains: I am not 19. Every day that I can work is a gift, and I absolutely do not want to spend it frying shit (much less noshing on fries). Plus: brunch. Fuck that. I should not have left 'zino so quickly. Once again, I got too full of myself and put myself in a precarious position. On top of that, financially, and as usual right at xmas, i am fucked. i am in a deep dark hole money-wise and really don't have a lot of options. Will sell the car, but that isn't worth much, really all it will be good for is to keep me from having to pay to store it.
Yeah, bah, humbug. Dark times. There was a brief flash in october/november, but it's fizzled. I'm also sick again with whatever lingering bronchial infection i apparently carry all year.
Ugh. More later. What I need (ok, want), is about 4 straight shots of Jamie's a Pabst tall boy, & Dewie:
What I will have? Benadryl & getting up at 5am to be at work at 6am on a Sunday. SMH.