Tuesday, January 21, 2014

notes from mid-stream

So, yeah, 2014. I'm not gonna give in to my typical inclination to say "another year of this mess." I do honestly feel like this year will be different. Not sure how, yet, as it's starting as so many of them have in the past: new job (or new home), old ghosts being laid to rest (another damn child brought into this world without a plan, but my hopes for The Stray are that this sets him on a path to achieve what I know he can), and new ones surfacing. I'm starting a(nother) new job on Saturday - and it's a better fit, at least I hope. It's keeping early hours, which has so far proven to (pretty much) keep me out of trouble. Unless, of course I make plans to "do" something, and then it all blows apart when old paths are traveled, and I ignore the lessons I should know by heart by now (stop drinking Beam straight up out of tumblers with guitarist/vocalists you harbor massive unrequited crushes on). Whatever. There have already been some angelic interventions, and my final days at the Pretzel Factory are of course lovely, which makes me panic and wonder if I'm making the right choice - but I know I am, because I need to be back in a place that has a manageable production schedule (like, not 800 people a night) and where what I do is noticed, not just by the morning kitchen manager, but by the guests. So: get up at 3:30am, and make stuff happen 4 days a week, and the other 3? Make stuff. Enjoy stuff. Enjoy the town i love. All of it. Gonna listen to the right voices this time :)