Thursday, January 02, 2003

this isn't the first time: i've had this dream before, only this time he was serious. No, really, how punk rock must I be if I've got Ian M coming to me in my dreams and discussing how I'm not being creative and wasting my talent? WTF??!!?? Holy shit. And it's bad enough that this happened, but this is the second time, and he seemed very serious. So, my subconcious apparently can only come up with a major punk rock icon who i have major historical misgivings about (not to mention limited personal interactions with) to drop the "get off yer ass" bomb? Jeez. It was like the dream I had with Brad years ago (the one that slapped me awake and made it clear that mooning over your highschool crush for 10 years is ridiculous and sad. Of course, meeting back up with him helped as well. Best Use Of A Reunion Meeting Ever). And then the one with MCWDITW, where he too laid it out (but see, we know that it's not them laying it out, it's me, laying it out for me. nice Smeagol...right) in clear terms that it just wasn't going to happen that he and i were ever going to be friends again. though admittedly i enjoyed the dream where he was giving facilities tours in a dress better, but what are ya gonna do?
meanwhile. listening to cassettes because the cd player has gone belly-up, so it's a punky-weird mix. Bob Mould, Black Sheets which is fab - and old old OLD googoodolls. which rules in a jawbreaker way. forgot about that. and soon up: black market clash. though i wish the cd did work, cause i'd rather hear the live album, but whatever. a little joe is better than no joe.

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

yeah, books and movies.
although, i suppose you are supposed to log things as they happen. but if i can be retro for a minute, and start at the end of the year - wait, only movies i go to, or all the movies i see? hrmmph.
must think that one through. But I can say that at 3.30 on Wednsday the 18th of december SMRGE and I attended the Two Towers, and were shoved in row 2, all the way at the edge - but still liked the movie.
except for the Farimir part.
And the Aragorn-over-the-cliff-part.
Ah well. We're going to give it another go tomorrow, hopefully with better seats (11am at the cinerama, one hopes that will lessen the push for seats) and maybe we'll exit with a better taste in our mouths.
Gotta buy a bus pass. Lose 20 lbs (again) and...write more letters. And send jam.
List books I've read too? Wish I'd done that this last year, as I read more than I have in a long time - right now, reading "the plague dogs" it's good. sad, but good. i like dogs.