Tuesday, May 14, 2013

communing with the little people

Specifically, my nephews. Going north to spend the rest of the week babysitting my nephews and visiting my mom - just as i'm getting rid of either a massive case of tonislitis that turned to bronchitis OR a return of the walking pneumonia. Don't know either way as I can't afford a doctor. Anyway, looking forward to a change in scenery, and day-to-day routine, and a break from the kitchen drama, although after last night, it is gettting pretty damn intense/loony. Part of me almost feels like bailing on the stage i have planned on the 21st, but knows i'll regret it if i don't go - because remember when i bailed on the stage at Ad-Hoc? Yeah. So, anyway, off I go to do some kid-wrangling, here's hoping i don't have to emotionally smack the oldest one into place again.
The little one is a doll though.