Friday, October 10, 2003

Just for fun, and because if i start a rant about the election in California it will just devolve into making me angry, and well, no one reads this anyway, so i posted it at the journal that still might get some yeah. here's a quickie Five:
1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?
Occasionally. I usually get caught up in tennis, baseball and lately, now that it gets airtime, skateboarding and bmxing. Horse racing, but it doesn't get broadcast much. I've been to the track a few times, but i'm not much of a gambler so it gets old quick. Also, sometimes, i'll leave a weekend golf match on if Tiger is doing well, or they are playing in some messed up wind or something....

2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes?
I am a John McEnroe fan from waaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Still. Team sports don't really rock my world, but i have a soft spot for underdogs, so i like the Cubs and locally the mishap-ridden Seahawks and Sonics amuse me. I also have an affection for jockey Steve Cauthen, who rode my all-time favorite sports event: the Affirmed/Alydar Kentucky Derby. Oh, and i followed Boom-boom Mancini as a kid too. WEird.

3. Are there any sports you hate?
I generally kinda hate all team sports, cause i think they engender a herd mentality that's not constructive. Auto racing kinda mystifies me. Gymnastics and ice skating are pretty irritating as "sports".

4. Have you ever been to a sports event?
Sure. Best ever: John Mc Enroe vs. Jimmy Conners with my dad. That fully ruled.

5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play?
Nope. I liked basketball as a kid, but had no discipline. I was briefly considering softball as a teenager, but bailed. I'm not much of a joiner as far as that goes.