Friday, February 28, 2003

oh yeah, the Five:
1. What is your favorite type of literature to read (magazine, newspaper, novels, nonfiction, poetry, etc.)?
Ooh, i've always been a big fan of the periodical, specifically fanzines. I'm a memoir junkie as well.

2. What is your favorite novel?
Funny, I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and there are so very many that I have enjoyed - but I guess, ultimately, I'd have to go with...gee..I'm still not sure I can call it in the air...i feel a sudden need to look at my bookshelf again before deciding.

3. Do you have a favorite poem? (Share it!)
I have a favorite poet: Sherman Alexie, and anything out of his book "Like Water Flowing Home" rocks my world.

4. What is one thing you've always wanted to read, or wish you had more time to read?
Ah, why War & Peace (or any Tolstoy, really). But also "100 Years of Solitude" which I'm actually going to tackle shortly.

5. What are you currently reading?
Whew, this would have been really embarrassing yesterday. But today it's only slightly lame: I'm reading "Good in Bed" by jennifer weiner, and also "a cometbus omnibus".

Huh, I just realized that my big plan was to journal the books that i've been reading, and once again, i haven't done it...ah well.

So, I had meant to write about Mr Rogers yesterday, and got sidetracked into a mean-spirited rant about Dubya. Typical, huh? Since then, I've read plenty of tributes to the man and his show, and I don't know if I have anything any more eloquent than anyone else, but I do feel compelled to state what seems obvious to me: kids who grow up with Mr Rogers grow up lame and sad and unimaginative. What else can explain the kids today? The fact that they get no nourishing information frm TV. Yes, he continued producing the show into 2001, but I wonder if there are any stats about how many kids were actually still watching it?

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Man, the world just gets less and less interesting. Mr. Rogers died today and after watching King George give yet another pompous speech about shit he not only doesn't believe, but based on his facial expressions (am I the only one who thinks his facial expressions are completely inappropriate to the words coming out of his mouth? He looks alternately smug, confused, and often smirking like he's talking about boobies or something. Like he's this little kid who has all the adult attention at dinner time. Agh, it pains me to even think about this).) but I seriously doubt he understands. Just an ejaculation of complete lies and bullshit. Honestly, who the hell is going to rescue the United States of America from our evil despot? If you accept the definition of dictator, then someone might like to point out the percentage of Americans living in poverty. Oh sure, they have cars (everyone loves the Ford Tempo) and they have TVs (keep them fat and stupid, like good cattle), but do we Americans have any sense of SELF? Any clue to our responsibility to the rest of the planet?
Agh. I can't do this again. I have reached burnout.