Friday, June 06, 2003

Weird - so now the post stays put until i post & publish. funny. but good to know. well it's Friday:
1. How many times have you truly been in love?
I know I'm supposed to say just once, but truth be told, i do think it's twice.
First with the mostcrushworthydrummerever, and then with SingleMostRockingHusbandEver.
Unfortunately, (for him) I don't ever really think I was truly in love with the one everyone would immediately assume, Mr. B - nah, that was just young lust.

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
Certainly the fact that he trusts me completely is a great asset, but also he is smart, funny, and above all passionate.

3. What qualities should a significant other have?
Well, after all the trolling I've done, i think a passion for something is vital. They must bring something of themselves to the relationship, and they must be willing to evolve.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Weirdly enough, I'm afraid I did, though I can't be sure. He's happily (at least as far as I know) married now, and he never accused me of breaking his heart, but he did share that me abandoning him hurt and confused him, but he claims to have understood why I bailed.
Beyond that, I don't think so, I'm not much of a heartbreaker (that I know of, anyway).

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be
That it is much stronger than you think it is. That's not very helpful, huh? I have this ongoing arguement with a person i know who insists that you shouldn't have to work at love - and i disagree, and yet sort of agree. Because loving someone is tough sometimes, because people are prone to mistakes, and if you are in love with someone, you are bound to watch them fuck shit up sometimes. But you have to let them. Love is forgiving, most of all, I think. It's not perfect, and there's no handbook.
agh, i dunno

Have I mentioned (hold up, what's this crazy format wackiness? it's like someone is a bit too impressed with Macs and Word, which is, IMHO, bad. very, very bad, but anyway, whatever, it's all free, so who'm i to complain), how much i love the new rhett miller cd? yeah. definitely holding me over until the next '97s thing. Meanwhile, I'm getting this weird panicky feeling that I really, REALLY need to archive, somehow, the dirayland stuff. there's like 2 years of decent writing amongst all the gibberish (too bad about the broken photo links though)...must...figure...plan. yeah.
hot today. might hit 90 degrees They say. They. Hurumph.
So yeah, silly questions for today find them at Porchy:
1. Okay, what's the preference at your place at dinner time, rice or potatoes? ...or something else? Hmmm?
Well, SMRHE strongly prefers pasta, but will generally make do with rice if needed. Potatos would be my choice, but realize they don't work all the time - so probably rice makes the appearance the most. Though in winter, I do a lot more pasta.
2. Krispies- ...and how about breakfast? If you're a cereal person, what is your favorite? ...or is there something else you'd prefer to start your day with?
I do like cereal, but don't allow myself enough time to eat it in the morning. I like bread/toast and jam with my coffee. Still. It has been like that since Europe. As a kid, my favorite breakfast (as I really never liked it much, my Mom wasn't much of a fan of breakfast) was chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk. Lately, I've been digging on the Luna bars or Special K bars for breakfast, and some fruit after I get to work. For special occasions, waffles are my dream breakfast. Though, I like hash browns a lot. It kills me that eating both would stuff me like a pig. Argh.

3. Treats- Has anyone not seen "Finding Nemo"? What treat did you have to buy (or slip in) for it to be a "Theatre Experience"
Didn't go see silly Nemo, and probably won't. I like the classics with movies in the theater: popcorn. salted, no extra butter. My Mom used to smuggle home-popped in for us, and Red Vines were the only candy we ever got at the movies, and still, today, that's what I go for. I don't get a drink, cause I'd end up having to hit the bathroom mid movie, and I can't cope with that at all. I just drink a couple gulps out of whoever I'm with's drink (cause they ALWAYS get drinks. Except Spencer - he was liek me and we got no treats at any of the movies we went to). I'm scared of people who get nachos at the theater. What the hell is that?

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

sometimes, i guess, it really is just a matter of time. maybe it DOES make sense. maybe there will be some change, if i continue on with my personal change, and SMRHE does as well. what do you say, when someone tells you they are getting help because of you. that you saved their life? what do you say? how do you work around that? it's this weird debt issue. i mean, to be honest, especially given what i've realized about myself now, i understand that i crave that sort of honor and worthiness. that kind of intrisic value. that he sought (and conceivable found) solace around me. and in return, i make things difficult by taking shit way, way, way out of context. everything looks so different even then it did just a week ago.i mean, i get a bigger part of it. there i am, constantly trying to fix a problem that hadn't even been correctly defined yet. there is a reason for the problem i felt, but it isn't what i thought. it isn't me. i mean, sure, i could certainly be thinner, and that wouldn't suck, but it's not that part that i'm craving, it's the desire, and the desire right now is being hijacked by other stuff that has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the last decade. wow. meanwhile, my pissed-off little kid is gonna have to be reined in. and talked to. recognized.
it's not my job to fix it all, yeah? it's not my duty to find a better person/place/thing. fucking hell. how silly. you think you grow up okay, i mean, i didn't get beat, and it seemed like my parents were around a lot (but they were engaging the brothers, not me) , it turns out when i really think it through, on my own. a lot. yeah. and i'm not now.
gotta ask for help today. righto.
spinanes. spencer. agh. when does thatshit stop?

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Yeah, so. Didn't remember to Rabbit. Well, until I had already said "don't want to go to work." ah, well.
Yesterday was decent day at Dr. S's. Loads of tears, in a particularily typical way, too. It makes sense now. My inner 9-year-old is pissed off beyond belief. Who knew? well, maybe i did. food for comfort not received before, perhaps? yeah. have to ask someone for help every day. terrific.
meanwhile on to other things:
1. Cats or dogs?
dogs. used to be cats as a kid. but now i'm all about the canine companion.
2. Butterflies or birds?
Gee. Birds I guess, though I still get startled when i run across a butterfly.
3. Horses or cows?
Oooh. Horses. But cows are amusing too.
4. Turtles or snakes?
Turtles, I suppose.
5. Frogs or grasshoppers?
6. Lions or tigers?
7. Elephants or mice?
Elephants, of course.
8. Porcupines or aardvarks?
Ah! aardvarks, as they used to be my favorite character to draw!!
9. Unicorns or dragons?
Fucking hate both of them. But, if i have to choose, dragons by a nose. Silly though.
10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You live in a rather dumpy apartment. A friend offers you a chance to be a roommate at a new place s/he is moving into, but they don't allow pets. You have a pet. Do you find your pet a new home and take the new place, or do you keep your pet and stay put?
Oh for crying out loud, what sort of hatefull person would jettison their pet for new digs? How sad. No. Hell, I have allergies to dogs and cats, and my pets are staying put. Gah. People, come on. Have a little sympathy for the animals.