Saturday, July 21, 2012

and this.

Ok, so I had to get blindingly drunk, crash at Sous Matt's house, and drive home this afternoon to find my recipe book lying on the floorboard of my car, behind the passenger seat. WTF, Universe? I tore that car apart (or thought I did) a week ago, and then, when I finally behave in a (somewhat moderately) responsible behavior (for a change) - it comes back to me.
I'll take it. Horrendously hungover though it is my day off....yeah.

blogging is for this.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Thursday, July 19, 2012

in another example of the universe having a go at me, i seem to have lost my notebook - the one that has 8 years worth of recipes, ideas and notes in it. The closest thing i have to a bible. I wasn't even drunk. I merely put too much stuff in my poorly-packed bag and apparently it fell out either between the restaurant and the car (literally, 500 feet) or the car and the apartment (about 1/4 of a block). I am heartbroken. Luckily, it's not only a feeling I am familiar with but also one i have tools to deal with now.
The Chelsea match was fun - I wore my Arsenal kit (I saw 3 others in Arsenal gear, one Liverpool kit, and several Barca shirts among the SEA of Chelsea kits, which was shocking) and was told "You are really brave!" and then a couple of high-fives (the anti-chelsea contingent!) and a couple of guys in the beer garden even gave me a "C'mon Arsenal" (which, while it sounds like a dig, is actually a chant we do when we are down or on the backfoot mid-match) which totally made me smile. The sis-in-laws friends were nice and the seats were great. It really, really, really makes me pine to see my Gunners live - you really can see everything, and hear them too.
Met up with Charles pre-match, and got in trouble with his *wife* who told us to "go play outside" the store, since we were just hanging out in the back area chatting while Charles painted the walls and did his magic genie remodel thing.
After the game, headed to West Seattle for movie night. Tried to watch a Liam Nieeson movie, but ended up  with the Winchester boys in the background, after i got a scolding for watching episodes out of order (can't mess with the canon, I should know that as a Whovian:). He also told me about a show he's (finally) playing in Stanwood, showed me his new bike (not a euphanism) and of course, videos of the kid and the usual etc.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Rob, Boy DC Drummer is going to visit in September!!! Stoked! He and I got along really well, and he hung in through the toughest times; did the full US Tour and the 2nd Eurodisastour with the Norwegians, so when we got in touch a year or two ago, we spent an easy 3 hours on the phone the next day. He brews beer for a living now, and is coming to Washington to go to a hops festival in Yakima, which is cool. Holy crap, this is amazing. My life is unfolding in ways I hadn't imagined. I thought all these people were lost to the mists of time! Plus, my new pals like me too! People love the food I make. Had a woman make a point of coming to my station to compliment the calzones. And bought me a glass of wine. Totally awesome. i get lots of dessert kudos, but that was particularly fun one being for savory stuff, and  because of the rep the calzones have, especially between Candance (my favorite of our bartenders) and I...we got caught snickering, but saved the situation, and turned it into a free drink for me, and a great tip for her. GO GirlPower! Yeah, and she and I had a spirited conversation (about boys, of course) tonight after closing. I work with some awesome folks this time around. Happy. 3 days to new digs. YES. But tomorrow: Chelsea vs. Sounders. Woot!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mom and brother had a great time, loved their food (halibut with beans and gnocci for her, buccatini for him plus antipasti, the roasted green beans, duck pizza and dessert sampler), sat at my station, and it was awesome, until we got hit hard and then I had to focus. But still, so great to make people I love feel good.All the servers were awesome ("Your family is so nice!" was the consensus) to them (they had a rough night otherwise) and yeah, I picked a good place to work. So stoked. Sous Matt was so sweet and complimentary when he spoke to them, and I even introduced them to Claudio, the backbone who makes our pasta, cheese and crackers, and does the dishes, yet rarely gets any kudos. It was fun.
Also, got the request to come to West Seattle, but ultimately, the wear and tear of the WestSeattleFest kept us on the down-low, but it's ok. There are plenty of episodes to watch :)
(Tomorrow is actually better for me anyway).

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Never get tired of homes with these lying in wait....can't see the headstock that has an odd tuning key because apparently this special issue model is especially hard to replace parts for...nonetheless, pretty lovely, and chicks dig scars :)
Also, looking forward to service tonight - Mom and Scott are headed down to the restaurant - can't wait for them to see my new they were also visitors to Lantana as well (though not together, which was pretty cool too) so they have some context. The big leap will be when Mark & Co show up, as I trust he will hit it off with Mike The Owner like crazy, but tonight is for the A Team!