Wednesday, November 27, 2002

In announcing Dr. Kissinger's appointment, President Bush said he and the new chairman "share the same commitments."

From today's NT Times. This is complete and absolutely the nail in the US coffin. The United States of America is ridiculous and obviously no longer even pretending to be a representational government.
Let me tell the future: Kissinger finds naw-theeeeng. Nothing. Nothing. Until the next administration which like the one's that brought on the re-investigation of the Warren Commission, and the Iran-Contra hearings (hello? Contragate anyone? May I take one more moment and point out that all the current monkeys from past administrations Bush and Reagan are back with us? May I also remind ((myself, as I assume no one is reading this and this is jus tmy private rant into the underworld, which will probably only get me thrown into some internment camp 5 years from now)) folk that the 80's SUCKED. Crack? Hello? homeless crisis? AIDS? Hello? Anyone? Bueller?
Agh. And now I'm not in college, I don't know what to do to register my hatred with this. Everyone seems to agree that it sucks but no one knows what to do.
We should all just stop buying stuff. That's the only thing that will make a difference.

Monday, November 25, 2002

"Last night, something fairly big hit me like a ton of bricks. It finally dawned on me that I, Kevin Seconds, am no longer making music/art for juveniles. That's right, me, Mr. Young Til I Die, no longer relates to what is young, what is now, what is cool and what is hip. I no longer feel the need to speak to the youth from a youthful standpoint. I mean, I'm not a kid, for crying out loud. I'm a fully grown, married, business-owning middle-aged guy. How in the fuck could I possibly relate to people who have been weaned on Lollapaloooza, Warped Tour, George Bushes 1 & 2, Bill Clinton and MTV's The Real World? I can't and I don't even want to. I respect and try to support quite a few young people. When I see that glimmer of intelligence, wit, talent and a cool fucked up sense of humor in someone under the age of 25, I applaud them and feel hopeful. The sad part is, either there aren't too many fo them out there or I am no longer in a good position to see them." -kevin seconds

Hell yes Kevin. He captured in a short paragraph what's been eatin' at me for far too long...and I was never the posterboy for a brigade of youth (heee!). All hail the evolution of our punk rock souls. Whatever happened to the "fucked up sense of humor" in punk rock anyway (I think it's also called "irony")? I miss that - the intelligence and insolence and that whole feeling like it didn't really matter what you did, cause everyone was just gonna ignore you anyway, so for crying out loud HAVE FUN. People should have more fun and less "partying". Y'know?