Friday, March 18, 2011

Ok, so that was getting things off to somewhat of a morose start last night, but what the heck. So. We've got apocalypse stuff going on all over the world, and so I'm taking refuge in British sitcoms, and British football. That's right, I'm gonna be that girl. If I lived in England, it'd be really scary, but luckily (?) I don't, so it's just a mild obsession, though, granted, one that doesn't have a really positive outlet. That is, that I could physically attend games with other humans, go to pre- & post- match gatherings. As it is, I can only join other american fans for live broadcasts in pubs at 7am. Which is excellent on matchdays i don't work, and was wonderful for the first part of the seeason at my other job when I was typically off on Tuesday and Wed, both midweek days that games usually were broadcast at 11:30am - Guiness for lunch and breakfast - how can you not love a game like that? sadly, I changed jobs, and rarely am free on a matchday, and don't have enough seniority to be able to duck out. Boohoo. Anyway, the boys (the Adorkables, check // for more fun stuff like that) are having a rough go at the moment, but I hope to be able to ramp up some useful commentary soon. Currently, I'm still pretty new to the whole endeavor, and so I refrain from a lot of ranting.
Leaves time for the whining about my job, and being lonely in the Bay Area, as well. Yeah.
So anyway, British TV. Liked Skins more than I should have (being as I'm 3x the age the target market is, but so well-written, hard to pass up - plus: teen binge drinking and drug use, how is that not entertaining? Plus also, british teen slang, yay! So there's that. gavin & stacy, of course. And then Peep Show, which then led inexplicably to a barrage of Brit panel quiz show - the most epic starring one of my favorite Gooners, Alan Davies. So that's fun. And of course, regular doses of Top Gear (oh, the Hamster makes me all gooey!) and an older show, Green Wing, that features two of the main actors in the new show Episodes. Yeah. Loving it. Loving the fact that "fuck" is used easily, that slang is creative, and everyone, even dim soccer players like John Terry sound more intelligent with an accent. Better still are the international players, like my favorite, Bac, who are, say french, but have adopted britenglish. Love it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

in memory of Hopey

Just a quick note to try and jumpstart this brogmess....still miss the dog, and though insensitive jerks who try and tell you that certain forms of life are more valuable and meaningful than others - here's what I know: that dog became a part of my life, intrinsically when she was 7 weeks old, 17 years ago next month. I spent her entire life with her (save about 3 weeks when i was away, when she either stayed with my mother, or with my housemate, but never in a kennel); walking her for real twice a day, playing with her every day, rain or shine, horrific life circumstances or no. She was with me when my father died, when I got married, when I got divorced, when I was diagnosed with cancer, when I received my DUI, and every other epic moment. She was the bridge that transported me from one life to another. And now, she is gone. You can think that her life was worth less than that of a child, but for me, she was the center of my world, and to lose her is still heartbreaking, almost 5 months later, I can barely write words without completely dissolving into tears. I write this for everyone who has chosen not to have children because they wanted circumstances to be ideal, and understand that to take responsibility for another being (canine, human, or otherwise) is a real and honest undertaking.
Yes you can leave a dog alone in a house. People do it to kids all the time too. It's not rightin either case. We should celebrate everyone who values companionship, responsibility and love. Let's stop belittling people who have chosen not to have kids as not "experiencing the greatest joy in the world" - there are great joys for everyone, and that definition is limiting and often hurtful.
I'm sick of watching people blunder into parenthood and then lord it over others, when those of us who have chosen not to follow that path have to constantly explain themselves, as if we are defective.
Anyway. This morning, I miss Hopester more than ever, her wise acceptance and steely perseverance is missed night and day. I am glad she is out of pain, and hope that soon, the pain of being without her will fade as well.