Thursday, June 20, 2002

Okay, lemme try again. I'm broke and the new GBV album sounds like a Who album. There would have been a time when I thought that was a good thing, but now I think it's just kinda dull. I didn't expect the vocals to be so light and young. Weird. Yet another band I really haven't paid attention to (much like the Replacements) and now, 10 years later (or whatever) they're being held up as iconic.
Iconic, ironic.
Meanwhile, the Mid-east simmers on. My solution to this age old question? Sanctions against Israel until they fucking grow up and make a deal to share the region's wealth. Yes, I mean land and power. There is no other way. Fighting terrorism with opression doesn't work. When has it ever worked? That's right. Opression, armed military or any other variety only breeds more ingrained and desperate opposition. Fuck the state of Israel. They have no more "right" to their country as anyone else. How dare they deny the majority population recognition.
Sound familiar? Sound like 1989 all over again? Bush=Bush. Apartheid, homelands, the mid-East in turmoil.
Meanwhile the US murders afghanis while no one looks and we chastize Serbia for defending themselves, yet crow about Israel's "rights". Not rocket science here, in my mind.