Friday, January 31, 2003

So yeah, the Friday crutch returns with:
1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why?
Really wasn't all that hip to superheroes - they all seemed like dorks to me. I just never bought it. However, I did watch Shazam! pretty regularly, so whoever that guy with the red+gold outfit and fist in the sky who travelled in an RV with his dad, or grandpa or whatever Uncle Curmudgeon character there was...that'd be it. Or maybe Underdog. Or Bullwinkle. Is Bullwinkle a superhero? Maybe only to me.

2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?
Ooooh! I had often hoped, early on, for one of the giant art kits...but never told my parents (I don't think, anyway) but really the only thing I ever really hoped I'd get was a new English saddle (yeah, we had horses) - the folks came close though. One christmas I did wake to find a brand spankin' new (and quite wonderful) western saddle waiting under the tree - but i have to admit to being disappointed. I wanted the English, and I wanted a red bow. Ah well. I gave up the dreams of jumping, and went ahead and started barrel racing. Which i ended up liking...go figure. And it was a really nice saddle.

3. What's the furthest from home you've been?
Ah, favorite question ever. I think, milage-wise, it's Serbia. I think the furthest east was Novi Sad. Or North to Os, Norway. Or south, Sicily. One of those though.

4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet?
Well, obviously, what I'm supposed to do with my life. Oh, and French.

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
Juno, baby, Juno. Gonna go bask in the glow of Arlie & Co. Yay.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

The little croat still hasn't written. whatever. you'd think i'd catch the clue, but no...whatever.
how strange that i'm listening to NPR this morning and they're running a story about the remaining Jewish communities of Eastern Europe, and interview people in Novi Sad, Serbia. How bizarre that I've been there. I played a show in Novi Sad. What the hell? HOw many people can say that? How many Americans? Like a dozen of us, tops, yeah? I've done some wacky wacky shit.
Speaking of wacky shit - I ran into a ghost from my past (though I'd been sliding past him for months now - I was just waiting for him to have the nerve to say something to me, and yesterday, he did). Shay. What a sad state of affairs. Sad but funny, and all too satisfying in most respects. Especially when he suggested going to get a drink and I said no. But not for the reason he expected. Heh. Hell yeah. The rest of you may remain in yer little pit of doom, but me, i'm moving on - sure, it may be a trench of doom, but nonetheless, it's a trench, not a hole.